Pass your System Audit. Everytime.

Partner with Peak Consultants to allow you to focus on your core competencies, while we do what we are best at, keeping your quality systems running all the time.

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Why Outsource your QMS

Why Small and Medium Businesses Should Outsource their Quality Management

Small and medium sized businesses when required to implement ISO Quality Management Systems do not get a good cost to benefit ratio as large companies.  Until 2015 the ISO standards required a management representative who was part of the management team.  Once the management system was stable the benefit to cost ratio to maintain the QMS was not attractive.  As a management representative is not a requirement since 2015, small and medium sized businesses can scale their investment in quality management according to their requirements by outsourcing the process.  Instead of a full time management representative, a dedicated consultant is assigned to assume the following tasks:

  • Conducting ISO internal audits and compliance audits.
  • Completing management reviews and monitoring KPIs..
  • Identifying new legislation and updating legal registers.
  • Managing annual ISO certification audits.